Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Little Post Before Adjustment.... (Continued) Appointment day!

Just got back from my ortho appointment. My ortho explained why he can't make my right lateral incisor move any faster than it is because I will lose it. That makes sense. Please take your time I don't want to be toothless! He did say that it is moving though! Hurray for movement! They gave me a new power chain on my lower arch and he tied down my left front tooth and added a power chain from my left front tooth to my right lateral incisor since it was getting hung up on my right canine. Here is to hoping for some more improvement. I am looking forward to being able to bite down all the way.  Here is a picture below to explain what he did visually. ;)  I have another appointment in 2 weeks look for my next update November 14!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Little Post Before Adjustment Tomorrow

Hi! I haven't posted for a few weeks and wanted to give you a little update before my appointment at 2:40 pm tomorrow Alaska Time. Everything seems to be moving very slow and sometimes it feels like it isn't moving at all. So I will have to ask my orthodontist about this. I am pretty excited for my next adjustment just like with every adjustment it brings change! So wish me luck! I hope this adjustment isn't as painful as the last one my gums felt like jelly on top and hurt to touch them. Not to mention all the pulling and crunching sounds and a bracket that had to be put on twice since it fell off the first time. Blah. Here is some updated pictures of my teeth today before my adjustment tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Just a little Celebration...(Dancing at my desk)

Just want to mark today as a very, very special day. That is because this lady right here just paid her final payment on her braces! What an amazing, weight lifting feeling going on right now. The complete cost of my braces was $6800.00 I paid it off in a little over two years and now I am FREEEEEEE! Thanks for sharing in my joy. :D :D :D