Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Long Time Since the Last Update

March 20th, 2013
Time is flying on by. I began this journey as a mommy-to-be and now I am a mother of a 21 month old daughter who I may add is extemely intelligent. She has countless words, full sentences, and sings. Oh what a year can change. Speaking of change my teeth have made such a transformation since this time last year. I think around this time last year I was trying to figure out if I could truly afford this surgery. I am so grateful to my husband for his help to make this surgery happen for me!
Now on to my appointment I had today. Things are moving along nicely although still no flipper until things are a little more in place. They put a stronger wire on my upper arch and replaced the wire on my bottom arch. The plan now is to align all my teeth. I go in on April 23rd for a pan of my teeth. Below is a picture of my teeth today.

March 28th, 2013
The last adjustment I had on the 20th of March as made my bite feel very off. I realize now how very crooked my mouth is which is what they are working on correcting now. I am back to hitting my lateral incisor when I bite down. Sigh

April 24th,2013
So by now some of you may have given up on me. I apologize I have been extremely busy with my independent toddler and work. I am still going at this braces thing though. This blog is now over a year old! Amazing! And my surgery is coming to its one year anniversary May 9th!! Time sure does fly! I had an appointment yesterday it went smoothly. My Teeth still hurt today and I still don't have a front tooth. The Ortho is still in the process of bringing my lateral incisor up and moving my teeth to the correct alignment. I hope this all makes sense sorry I am on my iPhone. :) Next appointment is at the end of May. I will do my best to update then.