Friday, October 11, 2013

Great Question Brought Me Back!

Again I have been slacking on my blog until today when I was asked a really good question by a reader on my blog.
First I would like to start with an update since it has been awhile. I had an ortho appointment earlier in the week and I do believe my ortho is playing a game with me because I still haven't gotten my flipper in haha. I am sure when I do get it in I will post here immediately but I was just a little bummed that I still am toothless. I guess it can make for a great halloween costume. Anyway my bite was back to being crossbite a few months ago and my ortho had me wear an elastic band on one side and after three months of doing this it is finally correcting. I do have to say that I was not very good a wearing that band for the first two months and I wore it like a saint the last month in hopes that he would give me my tooth at my last appointment but no that didn't happen. Good news was that there maybe an end in sight the ortho said I maybe able to get my braces off by the end of the year! WOOHOO! crossing my fingers that this will be true and I can begin the process of getting my implant for the front tooth put in.  Now for the question that had brought me back here. I was recently asked if I had noticed any change in my face specifically my cheek bones after my surgery. My answer was not really. But then again it could just be that I see my face in the mirror everyday and maybe I just got used to the change? If it did change it had to have been minor because I don't feel like I look different. I decided I would do a side by side and post it here maybe it will help give a visual of the change the surgery may have done to my face.

before in 2010
after in 2013
 Now after looking at the two photos I don't see much change at all. My lips look a little thinner and my jaw looks skinner but my cheek bones look the same to me. I am sure results are different for everyone though.