Friday, September 21, 2012

Husband Bragging :) & An Inbetween Appointment Update

Okay so first things first. My husband is an amazing artist and so I begged him for permission to share his talent. My husband can truly sing and play the guitar beautifully. I am one proud wifey and I wanted to share with all of you who are following my journey. Give you a little taste of my life. If you get a chance please check his videos out by going here his youtube name is jabrusii the link brings you directly to one of my favorite videos and click here for another. Please feel free to check out all his videos there are serveral other ones he has done. Also if you like them feel free to share with your friends too. :)

Now for my teeth update:
I was having one of those feeling bummed out weeks. I was bummed because the darn contraption is still on the roof of my mouth. I was down because my teeth didn't seem to be making any progress and so what do I do about it? I take a picture and compare with an older one. Do you know what? I think I do see a little um improvement. What do you think? The first picture is my teeth now the one below it is what I compared it with.


  1. There is movement! Remember.. it's kinda like moving mountains.. it takes a while... and when it's done.. the finished product will be so worth the wait!

  2. I agree. I am just impatient and I can't wait to see what I look like when this is all over. :D
