Friday, May 9, 2014


What can you do in 2 years? Well a lot! I had my SARPE surgery 2 years ago today! Within that time my family has grown from 3 to 4 and my teeth are looking near to perfect. I never thought this day would come and I am so happy! I have had no pain since my surgery and haven't really had any since a couple weeks after the surgery. I still remember it like it was yesterday. My mom came from CA to help me with my daughter who was exactly 11 months old the day I had my surgery. I remember my cute little baby trying to walk around the waiting room. She was wearing cute pink converses and a knit sweater and how the staff just adored her. I remember being nervous about being put under for the very first time in my life. I remember waking up coughing and for some reason crying when they woke me after the surgery. I kept apologizing to both my mom and husband. The pain medicine help for sure because I don't really remember too much pain after I finally got my pain medicine. It just amazes me that it has been this long! Which brings me to my next thought I can't believe my first baby will be 3 in exactly a month! She has asked for a Frozen/Tangled party which I am very excited to do. :) Should I post pictures of it? I just might have too! I know, I know this is a braces and SARPE surgery blog but who says I can't have any fun? EXACTLY! Anyways lets do a comparison from my teeth today and the day of my surgery! :D

today teeth: left side view
today teeth: right side view
Today teeth: Front view

Me before braces
Me right after surgery
Me today


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thoughts After The Flipper

I just feel really awesome. It amazes me what straightening teeth can do for confidence. I feel more confident talking to people now especially since my front tooth hole was covered with a flipper. I just can't explain how extremely happy I am. But to be honest here the first few days it took me awhile to get used to. My teeth look so straight it was hard for me to except that they are my teeth and that they look good on my face. It looks great but at first I struggled to smile and feel comfortable, I am still struggling to talk with out a wistlely or slisspy voice the Ss and Ts are a struggle and I sound like a goof ball but I am sure I will get used to it like I did with my expander and will soon start talking normally again. Here is a side by side (I just had to) of my teeth at the start and now. My thoughts? JUST WOW! MY teeth look so long and I couldn't even rest my jaw at the start. I can't believe I lived like that for a good portion of my teen and early 20s. I just wished that I was able to have afforded these braces sooner.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


It is a great day! A great day for a front tooth to fill my smile and make me feel like less of a Jack-o-lantern. My appointment began at 12:10 pm and I was grinning ear to ear. My last holeless grin for awhile. The tooth was glued in and then for extra measure tied down. I kind of feel like I am Nanny McPhee since the tooth seems to be really close to my lip I feel like I have one really big and fake tooth just chilling there. I also feel like I sound like Nanny McPhee. The good news? It doesn't look like Nanny McPhee yay! So can I get some drumroll please? Introducing my new and improved smile!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Did I Hear You Correctly?

Mr. Orthodontist did I hear you correctly or are you just pulling my leg?
I just completed another ortho visit. The last few visits have been routine and I stopped blogging about it because there just wasn't much going on and I have 2 kids now so that also contributes to my lack of time for....well...anything. Today was just the same as the last appointment but then my orthodontist began working on stepping out some molars (please forgive me I don't exactly remember which ones he stepped out. Come on I am not the orthodontist here! :D) I asked him very quietly if I could have my front tooth back. I just knew what his answer would be it was routine for me to ask and his routine to tell me no and why he couldn't. To be honest I didn't expect him to say "YES" but that is what I heard and I had to ask him "are you sure"? I am so excited I can barely contain myself. I get it put in next week and you bet I will be posting a picture of it here! :D For now you get to enjoy the last toothless picture me because I haven't shared a picture in awhile and because I can.