Friday, May 9, 2014


What can you do in 2 years? Well a lot! I had my SARPE surgery 2 years ago today! Within that time my family has grown from 3 to 4 and my teeth are looking near to perfect. I never thought this day would come and I am so happy! I have had no pain since my surgery and haven't really had any since a couple weeks after the surgery. I still remember it like it was yesterday. My mom came from CA to help me with my daughter who was exactly 11 months old the day I had my surgery. I remember my cute little baby trying to walk around the waiting room. She was wearing cute pink converses and a knit sweater and how the staff just adored her. I remember being nervous about being put under for the very first time in my life. I remember waking up coughing and for some reason crying when they woke me after the surgery. I kept apologizing to both my mom and husband. The pain medicine help for sure because I don't really remember too much pain after I finally got my pain medicine. It just amazes me that it has been this long! Which brings me to my next thought I can't believe my first baby will be 3 in exactly a month! She has asked for a Frozen/Tangled party which I am very excited to do. :) Should I post pictures of it? I just might have too! I know, I know this is a braces and SARPE surgery blog but who says I can't have any fun? EXACTLY! Anyways lets do a comparison from my teeth today and the day of my surgery! :D

today teeth: left side view
today teeth: right side view
Today teeth: Front view

Me before braces
Me right after surgery
Me today


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